Sunday 15 May 2011

Studio Booking

When working in the creative industries it is essential to be able to manage time and personell. Studio time and manpower can be highly expensive. During the creation of my graded unit I had to Book studio time, engineers and musicians during a very busy time of studio usage. For some projects only a particular studio could be used. The following are the sessions I booked and organised :

Amek Studio
Recording 5:1 effects
Mixing trailer in 5:1 : Splinter Cell Trailer
Recording Live guitar : Lets Dance Multi track

Ghost Studio
Sound Design
Final Mixdown : Yana Embury "The Best For Our Children " Art Installation

O2R Studio
Multitrack mixing
Automated mixdown : Lets Dance Multi track
Recording 5:1 Effects : Splinter Cell Trailer

At one point during the creation of my 5:1 sound effects a Soundfield Microphone became available for a short period of time. I took the opportunity to record 5:1 effects at short notice.

All of these sessions were vital in the creation of the media I will showcase in my presentation without the ablilty to organise these I would have nothing to show.

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