Tuesday 17 May 2011

Creation of Presentation

This is a screenshot of my laptop desktop a I worked on the Presentation powerpoint for my graded Unit.

I normally have a blank desktop but I feel this shows the effort that was involved in creating the presentation. I drew on all the resources I had created myself, such as pro tools sessions and photo files. I had folders full of screen shots and soundfiles and weblinks. I would have to open existing protools, and reason sessions to bounce and edit media for my presentation and also grab screen shots to visually enhance my presentation. I also took screenshots of web pages I had researched to back up my presentation.
The experience of creating a powerpoint was new to me but I feel I have risen and adapted to the chalenge at hand.

Pro Tools

During the Creation of my media I have used Pro Tools extensively, being able to use it fast and efficiently was vital. I researched many sources to learn skills needed to achive a task and to solve problems if they occured

Obtaining knowledge from sources such as You Tube and magazines dedicated to Pro Tools helped me greatly. Being able to learn vital workflow tips such as Zoom presets and Memory locations helped me greatly in the creation of media for my presentation.

Sound Design Using reason

 As a sound designer it is vital to know how to create all kinds of sounds using modern software. In this video the producer Lucky Date gives a tutorial of how to create the powerfull bass synth used by the band Justice using a Reason Combinator

Jusice Bass

In my presentation, I will talk about how I enjoy creating my own combinators to use in projects. This tutorial was vital in the creation of a combinator I will demonstrate during my presentation.

Monday 16 May 2011

Look and Design of Presentation

Along with the audio aspect of the presentation a visual style is essential to create an impression :

I have always admired "thedesignersrepublic" for thier use of crisp clean logos that are very distincive and stand out. They have designed many album covers for bands such as Pop Will Eat Itself and also have been involved with video game design. I was influenced by thier simple but striking ideas to design a logo to use on my cd covers and other materials I will distribute in my presentation.

To make my slide show different and stand out I used a photo of a work by the artist Banksy as the backdrop, its simple and effective but does not distract from the subject of the presentation slides.

Sunday 15 May 2011

Studio Booking

When working in the creative industries it is essential to be able to manage time and personell. Studio time and manpower can be highly expensive. During the creation of my graded unit I had to Book studio time, engineers and musicians during a very busy time of studio usage. For some projects only a particular studio could be used. The following are the sessions I booked and organised :

Amek Studio
Recording 5:1 effects
Mixing trailer in 5:1 : Splinter Cell Trailer
Recording Live guitar : Lets Dance Multi track

Ghost Studio
Sound Design
Final Mixdown : Yana Embury "The Best For Our Children " Art Installation

O2R Studio
Multitrack mixing
Automated mixdown : Lets Dance Multi track
Recording 5:1 Effects : Splinter Cell Trailer

At one point during the creation of my 5:1 sound effects a Soundfield Microphone became available for a short period of time. I took the opportunity to record 5:1 effects at short notice.

All of these sessions were vital in the creation of the media I will showcase in my presentation without the ablilty to organise these I would have nothing to show.

Saturday 14 May 2011

Photos from Various Projects

During the making of the media for my presentation I documented various processes with photographs

I took these pictures over the course of the preperation time as the graded unit will be a presentation. These can be a strong visual aid to my presentation and will help explain what I wil be discussing. I also feel it shows I was working with the presentation in  mind by documenting my activities
I will edit these and use them in my slides accordingly.

Tuesday 10 May 2011


As my presentation is on the subject of Sound Design I decided to show that it is a subject that I am interested not only professionaly but personally too. I took screen shots of various combinators that I had created on my own projects  and pasted them to a slide in my presentation.
I feel this will show my knowledege and skills in my chosen subject. After displaying the slide I can present an audio demonstation of some of these.