Wednesday 20 April 2011

Power Point

To display my presentation I will be using Microsoft powerpoint,  I researched videos on You tube to help me with this:

By researching various videos relating to powerpoint I was able to learn how to create my own backgrounds for my presentation slides to make it distinctive and origional. I was also able to learn how to manage and work with photo's to create displays and overlaps on various slides in my presentation.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Intellectual Property

Knowing the copyright law is essential in order to protect your own and not infringe anothers. The website of the intelectual property office is an essential resource:

IPO Office

In my presentation I will talk about issues relating to Intelectual Property how it relates to the media I hace chosen to display

Sunday 17 April 2011

Contracts Commonly Used in the Creative Indusries

When working in the creative industries it is vital to understand the legal issues relating to ownership of any created media. I read an article in Future Music called "How To Make A Contract"

This provided me with valuable information on binding contracts, royaly issues and also a link to download sample contracts that could be edited :

Download Sample Legal Contracts

I downloaded these contracts and tailored them to my specifications. I will hand out a printed version during my presentation.

Sound Design Research

During the process of creating my profile I researched many websites relating to sound design, this is a link to Film looking at sound design by Ben Burtt for Star Wars :

Ben Burtt

I looked at this in order to understand how a highly experienced Sound Designer approaches and creates original effects. He combines a mixture of electronic and organic sounds to create sounds that have no basis in reality.

I used this information to inform my approach to creating sound effects in the Splinter Cell trailer used in my presentation.

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Splinter Cell Trailer / Jesus and Mary Chain Sample

This is a link to a video I posted on Youtube of music I have created for a Trailer :

There are several reasons why I have posted this in my logbook. Firstly, it shows I have knowledge of internet resources to publicise your work and get recognition and also constuctive feedback. I will show links and screenshots in presentation of the sites where my work can be found.
Another reason is that I rejected this music to use in  my presentation trailer as I used a sample from a Jesus and Mary Chain track. I do not have the permission to use the sample and unlike a sample cd (when the seal is broken you automatically own the rights) I would be unable to use it publicly as it would infringe copyright.